International Day of Yoga – free classes online with Yoga in Daily Life

Each year, the 21st of June is recognised as the International Day of Yoga, as declared unanimously by the United Nations. Since the global pandemic began last year, many activities have been taking place online. So this year, while there are some countries able to hold outdoor or even indoor activities, Yoga in Daily Life also has a selection of free events and classes available online from several different time zones, to celebrate this special occasion.
You are invited to join us from anywhere in the world!
We wish all yoga practitioners, experienced and brand new, a happy and healthy Yoga Day and encourage all to practise regularly, whether it's with others online, in person, or by yourself. Yoga means 'union, to unite as one' – body, mind, soul united; all people united; and the whole Universe in harmony as One.
IDY 2021 Online Schedule
- Click/tap on the table below for access to the class registration links.
- For enquiries about any specific class or event, please contact the organisers directly.